All posts tagged "Greed"

  • iHeartMedia: Life Support Fail

    While spokespeople at iHeartMEDIA won’t officially refer to this as a Reduction In Force, there are a number of employees exiting the company. Most of the employees being “let go” (in order to operate efficiently and effectively...

    • Posted May 2, 2017
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  • iHeart Is Flatlining. Q1 2017

    iHeart Media Inc., once known as, Clear Channel Communications, is experiencing a financial and existential crisis. After cultivating a corporate culture that values form over substance, they have managed to demonize their own brand and ruin radio...

    • Posted April 27, 2017
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  • Reviewed: John Fogerty in Indianapolis 7/29/14

    If you are a die hard Fogerty fan, you should click away now.  I too was in that camp until last night in Indianapolis, where I got a look behind the curtain. Last warning, go now. Last...

    • Posted July 30, 2014
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